Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom Teeth erupt from the gums late in our lives, that is why we call them wisdom teeth. They arrive later on in our development, after adolescence. Impacted Wisdom Teeth are a huge pain. As the third set of molars puncture the gums, they often get stuck or arrive malaligned, which can cause severe pain and impact the teeth nearby.

Monitor your Gums

Early on in the Process, your gums may become sensitive, raw, red, or inflamed. This is a potential sign that underneath the surface, your third molars are preparing to Erupt. Many Patients experience molar eruption with no impact, but it is more common for the teeth to shift others or erupt impacted. Many dentists will opt to simply remove the teeth prior to eruption, to reduce the complications associated with impacted molars.

What happens when your Wisdom Teeth become impacted?

When Wisdom Teeth do not have spacing to erupt in place, they arrive impacted. They either get stuck on other teeth, or the gums, and both are very painful. The tooth may partially erupt from the gums, or it may be fully impacted, meaning to cannot break the surface. It will then push other teeth in the row, or it will force itself towards the back of the mouth. The tooth can also become trapped within the jaw itself, which will lead to developmental temporomandibular joint(TMJ) pain.

Wat are the complications associated with Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

Impacted wisdom teeth can quickly go from mundane discomfort to serious pain. The complications of concern involve the jaw itself, your teeth, and your gums.

  • Teeth- Teeth may be moved out of place or physically damaged by the eruption of your third molars. This shifting can lead to crooked or damaged teeth. If it disrupts the base of the tooth, it can actually lead to tooh loss and severe pain. Tooth loss leads to tooth loss, and you are now in a constant state of replacement and monitoring.
  • Gums- Your gums are in peril. The erupting or partial eruption of the impacted wisdom tooth has left vulnerabilities along the gumline. This leaves you open and vulnerable to be impacted by infection, disease, and tooth loss. Infection is the leading dental condition worldwide and is the result of food and bacteria penetrating your gum tissue; like the exposed gums of your impacted wisdom tooth.
  • Jaw- The jaw itself is a product of delicate balance between the muscles, gums, bones, and teeth supporting it. There is an ergonomic synergy between all these aspects, and this balance can be easily destroyed with a simple movement of your teeth. If your impacted wisdom teeth is shifting an entire row of teeth, it can become extremely uncomfortable and extremely costly quickly. The impact of Impacted Wisdom teeth can quickly become compounded in jaw problems.

How to Avoid Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Follow your dentist advice and seek help early. Make an appointment for a cleaning, examination, and x ray. Ask about the development and placement of your wisdom teeth.

Possible Wisdom Teeth Complications