Is Midline Misalignment a Problem

The human body is naturally quite symmetrical. While no one is perfect, most people have good symmetry. Someone may have slightly different positions of their eyebrows or perhaps have different sized feet. Asymmetrical features are actually quite common and perfectly normal.

One condition that can impact a patient’s symmetry is a misaligned midline. This occurs when the center of a patient’s top and bottom jaw do not align properly. The issue is a relatively common problem and there are treatment options available to restore the symmetry of the patient’s smile.

Patients have a line on their face which divides the top teeth and the bottom teeth. This is called the patient’s midline. When drawing a virtual line down the center of the face from top to bottom, it should pass through the middle of the nose and go directly between the front teeth. When this center line fails to exist, it is possible that the patient’s teeth shifted past the midpoint and the patient has midline misalignment. Common causes for the condition are summarized below.

Premature Loss of Teeth

The baby teeth are actually important in performing routine tasks such as eating and speaking. Another important job of the baby teeth is to create space for the permanent teeth to erupt. The early loss of baby teeth can cause various issues for the permanent adult teeth. In some cases, the teeth may shift into the empty space, causing a shift of the midline.

Missing Teeth

Patients can lose their teeth from a variety of issues including trauma, accidents, decay, and gum disease. An adult tooth may be impacted or simply fail to erupt. When there is an open space in the mouth, the teeth can slowly shift into the gap and out of alignment.


Lifestyle habits such as using a pacifier and sucking the thumb are common for many children. When a child is in elementary school, their permanent teeth will begin to erupt. A child with permanent teeth who continues to use a pacifier or suck their thumb, can experience orthodontic issues such as a misaligned midline. The continuous pressure from sucking can cause a slow shifting of the teeth.


A crossbite is a type of bite issue which occurs when the teeth fail to properly fit together. It is possible for the upper teeth to fit inside the lower teeth. The upper jaw is intended to sit slightly outside the lower jaw. Patients may also have a posterior crossbite which occurs when the top back teeth slant inwards and fit inside the bottom teeth.


Patients with alignment issues such as large gaps between the teeth, overcrowding, and overly large or small teeth may experience spacing problems such as midline misalignment.

Minor cases of a misaligned midline may not be overly concerning as it does not cause serious alignment issues. However, patients with teeth which are noticeably out of alignment should follow up with a dentist. The dental professional will evaluate the teeth to identify the cause and review treatment options.

Patients with minor midline misalignment can often use an orthodontic treatment such as Invisalign or braces to move the teeth into the desired position. In the event the patient has a crossbite or other type of bite issues, they may also require the use of an orthodontic appliance to achieve proper alignment. Patients with a severe misalignment or a crossbite may need to use an expander for realignment of the teeth.

Midline misalignment may seem like a harmless cosmetic flaw. Unfortunately, it often requires treatment as it can cause serious issues. There are treatment options which can help patients achieve proper alignment of the teeth. Follow up with a dentist to discuss options for restoring the alignment of the teeth. There are treatment options which can help patients obtain a beautiful smile that they are proud of.

If you have a misaligned midline and would like to learn more, contact us today.

Is Misaligned Midline Normal